// Jeffrey A Ryan

A pure passion for markets and machines, statistics and software. Never satisfied with anything short of building what needs to be built. Who am I?

  • Author of core open source statistical software tools and fostered one of the largest ecosystems in quantitative finance. Millions of downloads and users since 2006 - now an industry standard.

  • Software has inspired design patterns widely used throughout other languages and commercial products

  • Ran private consultancy to hedge funds, proprietary trading firms, and high net worth individuals for 5 years

  • Designed and implemented alpha models as well as risk, data and performance tools to help build one of the largest and most successful quantitative hedge funds on earth.

  • Created and co-founder of R/Finance conference, successfully run since 2009

  • Code used in 100s of published books and courses in dozens of languages

  • Created online course on time series data with 30k+ users

  • 40+ invited and contributed talks around the world since 2006